
More learning, more connection, more empathy

The world has changed in tremendous ways over the last few years.  As a society, we are experiencing a lack of connection which is leading to a lack of empathy.  I'm on a journey to help create more connection, more learning, and more empathy so we can leave this world a better place for our children.

Be kinder to yourself. And then, let your kindness flood the world.

Play At Home Freebies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Parenting can be hard.  COVID made it harder.  I struggled to juggle parenting, home management and working.  Adding the responsibility of school and learning was so overwhelming to start.  Thanks to all the resources available to us, I found inspiration.  There are so many creative ideas for play and they are all adaptable to fit specific interests.  So we're sharing the ones we love for free.  As challenging as parenting can be, finding…

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A Letter to My Unborn Daughter

To my sweet baby girl I will never forget the day I learned of your arrival.  My life was forever changed. I was flooded with so many emotions within seconds.  I was overcome with disbelief and shock when the doctor told me I was pregnant. Then as I saw you on the monitor, tears welled up in my eyes as there was no denying, you were now a part of me.  In a matter of seconds, I became consumed with so many emotions; immense love, joy, feeling of overwhelm and fear.  You were the child I was far too afraid to hope for.  I had convinced myself that…

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Finding My Purpose

Finding My Purpose And Feeling Like An Imposter. Like most indoor playgrounds, there are inherent benefits to both caregivers and children.  Caregivers get a reprieve while their little ones are entertained. They can be with other adults to socialize and build on their community connections.  And if they feel like their little ones are learning while playing or able to burn off some needed energy, it’s a win win. Children get to socialize, explore new environments and play equipment, practice new skills and different play styles.  But if our space didn’t offer more than what was already available, I knew my heart wouldn’t be in it.So in…

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Why I Chose To Open An Indoor Playground Now

Our Journey Opening An Indoor Playground A Living Cliche. It’s not that I love cliches, but somehow I’m a living, breathing, walking cliche.  I’m often caught telling people during challenging moments or reflections on our journey that everything happens for a reason.  I hate the way it sounds, but it’s what I truly have always believed. Probably because throughout my life, it has been proven over and over again.  I don’t know if it’s conscious in the way I approach life or just my good fortune, but I have a feeling it’s a bit of both. Nearly every hardship and obstacle has given me perspective, appreciation, and…

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Road To Children

Path Unforeseen: Part 2 Having children means you are a walking contradiction of experiences. You can feel enough and never enough.  You love them so much that you feel like you’ll burst but also find yourself wondering if there’s a return policy.  You feel like you know exactly what they need only to question every decision you make. So it only makes sense that I’m now a parent.  I spent the first 30 years of my life insisting that kids were not my future but here I am preparing to welcome a third. How did I get here?I’ve shared in a previous blog, that early on my…

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